Saturday, 13 October 2007


OK - I'vee failed to update this blog. Those few people who actually read this blog must for sure have forgotten all about it. Anyway here'sa small update.
University started again :(
My two classes were Linear Algebra and Network. The Exams for those two classes are in about two weeks, so right now I should be studying in stead if writing. ;)
I haven't programmed that much because of Uni, so not much to say about that.
Btw. It was my birthday in thursday (11th Oct.) I've recieved a Detroit Red Wings Jersey and a Henrik Zetterberg Figure :D
And the latest news is that I've preordered the new GP2X F200. It's an handheld console, but unlike PSP and NDS (Which I both own a copy off) it's opensource and runs a version of Linux. This means that everbody can make their own games and software for it legally. Well it's a new exciting toy for me ;)
You can read more about it here.

Until next time - Peter


  1. Aha, that's why you want a GP2X version of Crashblock. I must admit that I'm very excited about the new GP2X, in particular, the touch sensitive screen. I just hope that I can get my code to run smoothly on it.
    Take care :-)

  2. Can you tell me from where you have ordered the GP2X f200 from? As far as I can tell it's not for sale in Denmark yet?

  3. I didn't even notice that somebody had commented my blog ;)

    I preordered it from
    I don't think it will be sold in Denmark, but I could be wrong.
    If you buy one don't forget to have rechargeble AA batteries.

  4. Det er da ikke :( at begynde på universitetsåret. Det er da dejligt. Sådan har jeg det i hvert fald.

    Ses på Iqon, dér!!
